Do you have a website or your own blog?
What inspires you?
Art inspires me. I have been in the industry for 15 years and I can't imagine doing anything else. It's what makes sense to me. I was laid off my job at in February and chose to take this opportunity to develop my own business. I went live last week and have orders already! In addition to this site I am a licensed and published artist and my extra money earn from this goes to our vacations.
Do you feel you are effective at time management?
Yes I do. Because it's my own business and I know that no money will come in unless I earn it - it makes me very focused and driven. I got this entire business up and running in two months. Two weeks after my lay off I bought my domain name and the Yahoo store template and went to work.
Have you been able to earn a living doing your art at least part time?
Not yet. But between me, my husband and my sales rep I know I will earn a living at this - just too early to tell anything yet.
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