Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Pie

We wanted to start out fall with a bang, what a good way to do it!

Baby's room pictures

Piece of art Ray made for the baby's room at the Guaguin exhibit.
Classic story books, note that the Winnie-the-Pooh book is the classic one, not Disney.
Sheep skin rugs from ikea on earthy dark green rug make the room soft.
Sage color curtain which looks better in real life from the store Old Time Pottery for only 8 dollars. Lamp is from Target.
Art that will be hung on side walls of room. One was found at thrift store several years ago for 25 dollars. It is an original print by Annora Spence, a British poster artist. The other piece on the right is a piece I did at the Guaguin exhibit of stamped horses with color pencil. Yellow was Gauguin's favorite color with the influence of Van Gogh.

Hooks that my friend Caren gave us when we moved in, five years later we found a good use for them.

Rocking chair Ray's mom gave us, beautiful piece.

Top of old Ikea entertainment center being used as book shelf and changing table once kit is installed on top surface.
Ikea shelving re-used as baby storage with added cubes for storage and and color.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Artist interview with Jan Weiss

Do you have a website or your own blog?

What inspires you?

Art inspires me. I have been in the industry for 15 years and I can't imagine doing anything else. It's what makes sense to me. I was laid off my job at in February and chose to take this opportunity to develop my own business. I went live last week and have orders already! In addition to this site I am a licensed and published artist and my extra money earn from this goes to our vacations.

Do you feel you are effective at time management?

Yes I do. Because it's my own business and I know that no money will come in unless I earn it - it makes me very focused and driven. I got this entire business up and running in two months. Two weeks after my lay off I bought my domain name and the Yahoo store template and went to work.

Have you been able to earn a living doing your art at least part time?

Not yet. But between me, my husband and my sales rep I know I will earn a living at this - just too early to tell anything yet.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Be a Hero

Community shared agriculture.

Thoughts from a person living a creative life.