Have you ever gotten tired of the racks of greeting cards at the commercial kiosks in chain stores like Target? Try supporting paper crafters who can design works for you.
Read on to see what Stephanie had to say:
When did you know that you were cut out to be artistic?
I'm pretty sure it goes back to a couple of things when I was much
younger. Perhaps it was when I was decorating place cards for all my
friends coming to my 12Th birthday party. Or maybe when I snuck a
cross-stitch project out of my backpack during a movie in 9Th grade
biology. But I love being able to make something with my hands, and
with the scrap booking and albums that I do, my cute kids end up in the
final product too.
How did it make you feel when someone bought something that you made?
I was glad that my husband was at work the afternoon that I made my
first sale, because I seriously did a little dance at the computer. It
was so great to know that someone else also liked something I had made.
One of the hard things about being and artist or crafter, is that you
want so much to find your own unique style, something that's really
you. Yet at the same time, you love to get that validation through
someone else that what you do appeals to them also.
What keeps you inspired?
I've got to do something to start chipping away at my mountains of
scrap booking supplies I have! But really, it's my way to unwind and
spend some time by myself. I love looking for new ideas and
and then seeing how I can make them blend in with my style I already
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